Home >Articles >RESTalk EP 111: The Best of RESTalk 2022 with Host Bill Spohn

RESTalk EP 111: The Best of RESTalk 2022 with Host Bill Spohn

Dec 15, 2022 BuildersGeneralProvidersRaters


Without reflection, we go blindly on our way, creating more unintended consequences, and failing to achieve anything useful. – Margaret J. Wheatley


23 episodes, 23 topics, and 34 different guests.

We covered a lot of ground in the RESTalk podcast in 2022, now going into our 5th year of episodes.

(Over 12 hours of conversations about the world of RESNET!)

We hope we stimulated your thinking and moved you into action in this often-complex world of home energy ratings.

If you’d like to dig a little deeper into the topics covered in these episodes, see the list mentioned in each section below.

PART A: Organization Systems & Affiliates
89  Steve Baden and John Hensley discuss opportunities and threats for RESNET going into 2022
90  Dominic Sims, Mark Johnson Broader consensus in code development
100 Joshua Anderson Breaking into the industry as a HERS® Modeler
101 Simone Beaty Factors influencing the outlook for green mortgage-backed securities
102 CalCERTS David Choo’s Motivations for entering the Home Energy Industry
110 Billy Giblin An overview of onsite field visits and their impact

PART B: Buildings and Building Data
91   Ryan Meres Who are the buyers of HERS® Rated Homes and what is driving their decisions
96   Sara Gutterman Net Zero everything?
98   Ryan Meres Data on new homes getting to Net Zero
106 Spencer Frye Athens GA Ground Zero for the affordable homes’ crisis
109 Emily Mottram How did the Pretty Good House concept get started


PART C: The RESNET Community
88  Emma Bennett What do people get out of the RESNET Building Performance Conferences
92  Elizabeth Sanfelippo Artistic Perspectives in Home Performance
93  Jacob Kamen Mentorship in RESNET
95  John Godden CRESNET/RESNET Cross Border Challenge, new technologies and water
97  Jared Kain-Woods Detective work and complexity in energy efficient designs
104 Stefan Orenda Unique ways to market energy efficient homes with consumers

PART D: Codes & Standards
94   Andy Buccino & Sara DeVico Embodied carbon tools & engaging builders
103 Jacob Atalla of KB Home The water & energy nexus
107  David Goldstein What is the genesis of the RESNET CO2e Index 
99   Alex Meaney What does a load calculation tell you and more
105  Steve Rogers Why is duct leakage testing so important? An example.
108  Jim Bergmann Importance of proper design installation of a blower/air handler & cost of ownership

RESTalk: To the RESNET community, we hear you and want to engage.

Look for new episodes in 2023.

Listen to the full episode here.