“Doing your best in this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment.”– Oprah Winfrey A critical element in the decarbonization of homes is the embodied carbon produced in the construction of homes. As the current RESNET Carbon Index® only covers the carbon produced due to energy used in a home, what do we do next? What type of standards exists to perform this assessment? What are the challenges and roadmap ahead? Recently, the RESNET Board of Directors formally authorized the creation of an effort to explore the development of a residential embodied carbon standard. The first step in this process is the creation of an advisory committee that will review the development of the standard, provide suggestions on how to proceed, and vet drafts of the guidelines. Our guest today is Chris Magwood, Chair of the RESNET Embodied Carbon Advisory Committee. Chris’ full-time role is the Manager of Carbon-Free Buildings, at RMI. I found this topic fascinating as we explored the data, and the impact on people, businesses, and the environment. The big takeaway I had was that the stacked benefits are wins all the way around and the pursuit of these efforts is not predicted to be cost-prohibitive, perhaps even cost-beneficial. LINKS: Chris Magwood on LinkedIn: RESNET blog post on The RESNET Embodied Carbon Advisory Committee Listen to the full episode here.