Home >Articles >RESTalk EP 121: Back Together and Stronger, the RESNET® 2023 Conference

RESTalk EP 121: Back Together and Stronger, the RESNET® 2023 Conference

Oct 6, 2023 BuildersGeneralProvidersRaters


Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress; working together is success Everett Hale

On today’s podcast, we welcome Clara Hedrick and Emma Bennett to give us up-to-date and inside information about the upcoming RESNET® conference: Nov 15-17, 2023 in San Diego, CA.

Since the last face-to-face conference in 2020, and after virtual conferences in 2021 and 2022, Emma shares what will be the same and what will be different as compared to past events.

We also cover a few of the specific events that attendees can look forward to as well as recommended activities outside of the conference.

Breakout session topics include:

  • Carbon/ESG
  • Water Efficiency & HERSH2O®
  • HERS® as the Gold Standard
  • California – Here We Come, New Opportunities for the Rating Industry
  • Energy Codes
  • Tapping the Existing Homes Market
  • Latest Developments in Building Science
  • Workforce Development
  • Financing Improving the Energy Efficiency of Homes

We close by sharing what we are each most looking forward to about the conference.

Links mentioned in the episode:

The RESTalk Podcast EP 115 with Chris Magwood on the Embodied Carbon Advisory Committee: https://restalk.libsyn.com/ep115-the-new-resnet-embodied-carbon-advisory-committee-with-chris-magwood-from-rmi

Find details on the KB Homes Microgrid home tour: https://www.resnet.us/conference-2023/kb-homes-microgrid-tour/

Learn more about the RESNET® Emerging Leadership Council at:

View the schedule, find travel details, and learn more about the RESNET® conference at: https://www.resnet.us/conference-2023

Listen to the full episode here.