“I’m an instant star. Just add water (rating) and stir.”-David Bowie Housing consumers show increasing interest in environmental impact. Logically, builders are following this trend to serve their customers. How can raters and RFIs build on this momentum to become a star serving both builders and their customers? We welcome back RESNET’s program director Ryan Meres to fill us in on why raters should become certified for HERSH2O®. We discuss the increasing interest by builders in environmental reporting and how raters can help builders tune in to this growing trend. In addition to reviewing how and why RESNET Standard 850 was developed, Ryan reviews the field testing he took part in to refine the resources and methods used for water efficiency rating. We walk through the complete process: from training and testing requirements to conducting an evaluation to data entry and exporting to RESNET. He also explains how this rating can also apply to existing homes and retrofits. SPECIAL OFFER: Ryan offers FREE HERSH2O training to the first 50 raters that email him. He will also extend bulk discounts to companies that contact him with more than 10 raters seeking the training. Contact Ryan at Ryan@resnet.us Water is a critically important resource, and you can gain further insight via past episodes of RESTalk: Episodes 3, B-1, 50, 62, 77, and 79. You can get more background on the topic of HERSH2O® and download resources (e.g. a checklist and the guidance document and more) at: www.resnet.us/about/hersh2o/ If you are ready to take the training, go to https://portal.resnet.us and navigate to the HERSH2O® section. Or if you are ready to use the HERSH2O® calculation spreadsheet, contact Ryan at Ryan@resnet.us Listen to the full episode here.