Home >Articles >RESTalk EP 99: Unpacking ANSI/RESNET/ACCA /ICC 310 HVAC Standard- Design

RESTalk EP 99: Unpacking ANSI/RESNET/ACCA /ICC 310 HVAC Standard- Design

Jun 24, 2022


“The details are not the details. They make the design.”Charles Eames


HVAC equipment is often the largest energy-consuming system in a home.

While listeners are likely grounded in the aspect of “house as a system,” where does the rubber meet the road when it comes to HVAC system design?

In today’s podcast, we begin part one of a three-part series on cracking open the details of the ANSI/RESNET/ACCA/ICC Standard 310. We are joined by Alex Meaney of Mean HVAC Consulting and Design, an expert in HVAC system design.

Listen in as Alex brings, in his words, “well above average” insights into the important topic of load calculation.

Alex details the various ACCA Manuals (J, S, D, LLH, T, Z-R) involved in the process of HVAC Design, as well as factors about the origins of many of the calculations.

There were several “ah-ha” moments as we got deep into the aspects of answering a seemingly simple question: “what is the heat and moisture loss or gain per hour, of a home under design conditions.

After listening, you will better understand the power and importance of an accurate load calculation.

Read more about ANSI/RESNET/ACCA/ICC Standard 310 at https://www.resnet.us/raters/hvac-310-grading/

Listen to the full episode here.