Ryan Meres (RESNET) and Matt Christie (Associate Director, TRC) join us to review the five-year journey where RESNET and the California Energy Commission (CEC) have been working together to bring the California and RESNET energy rating standards into harmony. Listen in as we learn about the recent changes to the California energy code (Title 24), including a new compliance path called the Energy Design Rating (EDR), which moves the two rating systems into closer alignment. Matt reviews the progress on the four major pillars being addressed. For example, both systems need to use the same reference home (based on the 2006 IECC) to create a score. We will also hear about some of the driving forces behind these changes as well as the variations that will make the EDR and RESNET HERS® scores different. The discussion also touches on net-zero energy buildings and the tie in with on-site power systems and batteries noted in the HERS® score. These efforts will bring the RESNET HERS® Index closer into alignment with the California energy code as well as provide an example by which future versions of the IECC could be modeled to achieve a net-zero energy code for the rest of the country. You can reach Matt through TC at www.TRCcompanies.com and you can reach Ryan at Ryan@RESNET.us Click here to listen.