The big picture doesn’t just come from distance; it also comes from time. -Simon Sinek RESNET recognizes the COVID-19 pandemic will have a huge impact on HERS® Raters and Rating Providers. The RESNET Board Executive Committee has swiftly stepped in to make important decisions. RESNET is ever more diligent about how business is being done and working together with members of the HERS® Industry to navigate through this. It will take time. RESNET Executive Director Steve Baden and Deputy Director Cardice Gray-Howard join us today in this special episode to discuss their reactions to the COVID-19 Pandemic and the actions that have been taken. Various steps have already been put in place such as modifications to QA testing and Payment terms for rating fees. Other options are also being considered. For complete and up to date information follow the “RESNET COVID-19 Updates” link at the top of the homepage. RESNET has put in place a dedicated email address ( ) that will go directly to the Quality Assurance Team for QA questions and concerns. This email address is for specific questions to the QA team regarding remote QA, reporting, etc. RESNET believes in the power of our tight-knit community to get through this situation stronger and more united over time. Listen to the episode here.