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RESTalk EP54: Meet the RESNET Standards Development Committees Chairs

Jul 28, 2020


 “Make no mistake about it: Change is hard, but change is necessary.” -Lori Lightfoot

As organizations grow, systems, policies and procedures develop. Grasping the complexities of an organization can become daunting. Especially if you are new or “at the edges of contact” with the organization. It may be easy to feel disconnected.

Organizations like RESNET offer the ability to be part of the conversation, insisting that you have the right to speak up and offer the ability for you to make change.

We are pleased to be joined today by three guests, Sharla Reid from the Energy Smart Institute, Gayathri Vijayakumar from Steven Winter Associates, and John Hensley from BPS Consultants. They are the chairs/change makers of three RESNET Standards Development Committees or SDCs.

Sharla chairs the SDC 200 which oversees RESNET’s education, training assessment, and certification standards and amending the standards.

The SDC 300 is chaired by Gayathri where she oversees RESNET’s technical standards related to the inspections, testing, and calculations that impact an energy rating and amending those standards.

John chairs the SDC 900 where he oversees RESNET’s quality assurance and sampling technical standards and amending the standards.

This talented team breaks down the scope and processes involved with standards development while dispelling some of the myths and misconceptions they have run across in their roles.

If you are interested in participating in a task group or joining an SDC please fill out the form at this link https://www.resnet.us/about/standards/committees/application/

Listen to the full episode here.