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RESTalk EP60: Resilience, Sustainabilty and HP Homes with Ryan Colker, ICC

Oct 26, 2020



“Resilience is all about being able to overcome the unexpected. Sustainability is about survival. The goal of resilience is to thrive.” -Jamias Cascio

Governments are struggling to prepare for hazards and other disaster events they face. Communities cannot sustain in a chronic response mode.

What goes into making a community event disastrous? What planning tools or programs can be used to mitigate the impact?

How do building codes and other mitigating strategies allow them to get ahead of the situation?

We are joined today by Ryan Colker, VP of Innovation at the International Code Council who spends part of his time looking across the building industry to imagine how codes will be used in the future as well as the present. He brings to bear his diverse background on his work at the ICC.

We discuss the intersection of the many disciplines and activities in the building community which need to come together to ensure resilience.

As the co-lead for the Resilient Building Coalition, Ryan gives us many insightful perspectives. For example, he shares the three core aspects necessary for housing to sustain approaching wildfires.

Disasters are shocks that tend to make the headlines, yet stresses (homelessness, a major employer leaving the community, climate change, etc.) are constantly grinding away to exacerbate shocks when they occur.

Learn more from the two white papers on how building codes impact and support resilience as part of the ICC resilience tool kit. www.bit.ly/Resilience-ToolKit

Ryan encourages HERS® raters to learn to show the value of resilience strategies, most of which harmonize with health, safety, and energy efficiency.

Ryan also shares with us some important links for more information, including The Insurance Institute Fortified program (www.ibhs.org/fortified), Federal Alliance for Safe Homes (FLASH: www.flash.org/), and Alliance for National & Community Resilience (www.resilientalliance.org)

Listen to the full episode here.