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RESTalk EP68: 2020’s Lowest Average HERS® with Gene Myers of Thrive Homes

Sep 28, 2021


“Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have.” – Margaret Mead

Winning national housing awards year after year comes with focused effort. However, the efforts put forth by Thrive Home Builders are NOT focused on winning awards. What are the simple concepts that Thrive Home Builders executes so well that have put them in such a special group and allowed them to flourish (or thrive)? What advice does Thrive have for builders who wish to start the journey to high-performance and even net-zero homes?

Our guest today is Gene Myers who founded GreenTree Homes in the Denver area in 1992, well before green was a thing. Under his leadership, the company has grown into the very successful and award-winning Thrive Home Builders. Gene has developed this award-winning green building program to meet the highest standards of LEED®, Indoor airPLUS, Zero Energy Ready Homes, and Energy Star®.

In 2020, Thrive Home Builders also achieved the lowest average HERS® score (26.9) in the country for a builder completing more than 50 homes. At the recent RESNET 2021 Virtual Conference, Thrive Home Builders received the RESNET President’s Award as part of the 2021 Cross Border Challenge.

Recognized as 2019’s EPA Indoor airPLUS Leader of the Year, Thrive Home Builders tells potential customers they “can breathe easy knowing their Thrive home was built to the highest health standards with superior air quality.”

Gene has created a recipe for success that he shares with us in this conversation. One of the key points is education, first of his team, then of his customer, using resources, programs, and the knowledge of HERS® Raters.

To learn more about Thrive Home Builders visit their website: www.ThriveHomeBuilders.com

Listen to the full episode here.