Home >Articles >RESTalk EP69: BTS at 3M HERS® Home w/ CR Herro and Tim Smith

RESTalk EP69: BTS at 3M HERS® Home w/ CR Herro and Tim Smith

May 24, 2021



 “Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible” – Francis of Assisi

RESNET recently announced that over three million homes in the United States have now been rated with a HERS® Index Score, measuring a home’s energy efficiency.

So what do we know about the three millionth HERS® rated home? How does the honor of building and HERS® rating the three millionth home befall you?

Those are some of the questions asked during our conversation with CR Herro of Meritage Homes (the builder) and Tim Smith of 15 Lightyears Foundation (the HERS® Rating Provider) as they discuss the behind-the-scenes of building and rating the three millionth HERS® rated home.

We learn of their commitment to energy-efficient homes as well the processes involved in achieving this milestone home in Winter Garden, Florida. When asked what makes this home different–the answer is nothing. It is one more home that is part of their process to give every homeowner an energy-efficient place to live.

For years, Tim and CR have been on a quiet mission of building relationships, honoring commitments, and executing with excellence. Steady as they go. That’s how it goes.

To learn more about Tim’s company, 15 Light Years Foundation visit https://www.15lightyearsfoundation.com

To learn more about CR’s company, Meritage homes visit https://www.meritagehomes.com/

And for more information on the three millionth HERS® rated home, visit https://www.resnet.us/about/us/3-million-homes/

Listen to the full episode here.