WHO/WHERE DOES THIS EFFECT? Water is the new frontier for RESNET and HERS® Raters. In many parts of the nation, water is fast becoming an ever increasingly expensive commodity. There is clearly a need for a system to rate a home’s efficiency in water use. This will allow home buyers to know how efficiently water is being used in the homes they are considering buying. It will also provide an opportunity for homebuilders to monetize the efficiency of their homes in the same fashion that the HERS® Index plays for energy efficiency. WHAT IS IT? Proposed Standard BSR/RESNET/ICC 1101-201x, Water Rating Index, establishes a uniform methodology for evaluating, rating and labeling the water use performance of single family and duplex dwelling units. The Standard provides a consistent, uniform methodology for evaluating, quantifying, and labeling the water use performance of one- and two-family dwellings. The methodology compares the water use performance of an actual home (rated home) with the water use performance of a reference home of the same geometry, resulting in a relative Water Use Rating called the Water Rating Index (WRI). Where the water use performance of the actual home and the reference home are equal, the Water Rating Index is 100. WHEN DOES THIS HAPPEN? The first draft of proposed standard BSR/RESNET/ICC 1101-201x was submitted for public comment in August of 2018. Changes resulting from comments received on that draft have been incorporated into the second draft, PDS-02, which is open for comment. All sections of the second draft of the standard (PDS-02, of BSR/RESNET/ICC 1101-201x) are open for public comment during a 45-day comment period. To review and comment on the Draft, follow the link below: Draft PDS-02, of BSR/RESNET/ICC 1101-201x Comments will be accepted on all text in draft PDS-02. The public comment period will be open for 45 days beginning March 15, 2019, through April 29, 2019. View pending standard amendments at /articles/resnet-consensus-standards/