The State of Florida has joined the ranks of states and municipalities that have adopted the Energy Rating Index energy code performance option when the Florida State Legislature passed HB 535 that modified the Florida Building Code by adopting Section 406 of the 2015 International Energy Conservation Code’s Energy Rating Index compliance option. The legislation modified the Energy Rating Index score provision of the 2015 IECC Energy Rating Index. The Energy Rating Index score that must be met for Florida cannot exceed an Energy Rating Index score of 58. The Florida Legislature also tasked the Florida Building Commission to determine by October 1, 2016, whether onsite renewable power generation may be used for compliance to the Energy Rating Index option. The Florida Building Commission is currently working on its 2016 version of the state energy code. It is considering including the ANSI/RESNET/ICC Standard 301 to define the Energy Rating Index. The legislation is posted at Florida Energy Rating Index The Energy Rating Index provision is contained in Section 34. There are now a total of ten states that have adopted the Energy Rating Index option as a compliance option to their state energy code. The states that have incorporated the Energy Rating Index into their energy code are: Alabama Florida Illinois Maryland Michigan New Jersey New York Texas Utah Vermont In Florida in 2015 there were 15,323 homes HERS® rated and issued a HERS® Index Score. The average HERS® Index Score of homes rated in the state was 58. RESNET and the International Code Council (ICC) recently conducted a webinar on the Energy Rating Index Option to the 2015 IECC and the opportunities for certified RESNET HERS® Raters to be ICC certified Energy Code Inspectors. To download the webinar go to ICC/RESNET Energy Rating Index Webinar for Code Officials RESNET and the ICC have produced a video production explaining how HERS® can be used to demonstrate compliance to an energy code. To view the video go to HERS® Index and Energy Codes