During the Spring RESNET® Board meeting, Steve Baden was presented with a ceremonial “red line” copy of the 2023 Omnibus Act. Mr. Baden had spent several years working with Congressman Mike Levin’s (D-CA) office on legislation to reform the Veterans Administration (VA) Home Loan program. Rep. Levin is a senior member of the House Veterans Affairs Committee. The legislation introduced by the Congressman passed by a unanimous vote in the House Veteran Affairs Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity, and, given bi-partisan support, was included in the Omnibus package, which passed in late December 2022. The Omnibus package contained “must pass” legislation to keep the government running into the new year. Congressman Levin’s office was gracious in providing a “red line” copy which includes the cover and signature page of the enacted 2023 Omnibus legislation. This gesture, not often given, was a means to honor the hard work and collaboration between Rep. Levin’s office and RESNET®’s government affairs team. It should be further noted that this legislation was endorsed by the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), one of the nation’s premier veterans service organizations. The legislation calls on the Veterans Administration (VA) to establish a recognition of energy performance as part of the mortgage underwriting process for VA home loans. RESNET® will continue to work with Rep. Levin and others on the Committee to encourage rapid implementation of this measure. To view the portion of the law that includes the Levin legislation go to Veterans Energy Savings Act