The HERS® industry is a dynamic field. There have been many exciting changes over the past few years. Catch up on some of the latest trends in the industry with nearly 30 sessions at the 2019 RESNET® Building Performance Conference. Hear the latest on standards, including multifamily and home size adjustment, and take a deep dive into the standard development process in How the Sausage is Made. You will also learn about Enhancing the Consistency of the Calculation of HERS® Index Scores and the latest in apps, software, and equipment along with some low-tech, low-cost practices that can help you be more productive in There’s an App for That! – Making Life Easier with Tips and Tricks to Use in the Field Interested in appraisal and real estate? The HERS® Index is fast becoming mainstream in the housing market and RESNET is partnering with others in the industry to spread the word. Attend the session on the RESNET – Pearl National Home Certification Collaboration to learn how the new partnership with Pearl’s certification system will avoid confusion in the marketplace and can lead to greater HERS® presence in the existing homes. Meanwhile, RESNET and the Appraisal Institute have a dynamic partnership to promote green and high energy performance homes in the marketplace. Learn more in the session, The RESNET – Appraisal Institute Partnership – Implications for the Real Estate and HERS® Industries Another special feature of the 2019 RESNET Building Performance Conference is a track on “Launching the HERS® Rating Industry to a New Trajectory”. Learn about the renovation projects that are a major growth opportunity for Raters in Renovations and Additions: Inside the First Program to Penetrate this Untapped Market with Huge Potential for Raters and Utilities and the new Zero Energy Designed Homes certification program in Getting HERS® to Zero: The New RESNET & NBI Zero Energy Certification Program. Meanwhile, the session The Shape of Things to Come – Manufactured Component Home Building and Potential Effects on the HERS® Industry will explore the potential disruption and possible effects on the housing and the rating industries of manufactured homes. Don’t miss this opportunity to catch up on the latest information and network with the leaders of the home energy rating and building performance industry. RESNET has posted the listing of conference sessions along with a description of each session and each session’s presenters. To download, click on the 2019 RESNET Conference Program. Let Us Go Forward Together. For more information and to register today, visit 2019 RESNET Conference. Remember – Early Bird Registration Discount Ends on January 24, 2019!