During the 2019 RESNET conference we were thrilled to introduce our new field data collection mobile hybrid app – REMCollect – that works with our scalable online QA software tool – REMCheck. We noticed that many booth visitors were pleased to see that these tools automatically create a .blg file that will open either REM/Rate or REM/Design. We know that energy pros have been asking for a mobile app and QA software tool that creates .blg files and are happy to offer the use of these programs for a free 30 day trial. For more information please visit either https://shakeituptech.com/remcheck-and-remcollect/ or https://remcheck.com/includes/register.php to learn more or to register to use these remarkable programs for your 30 day free trial. (Please note that your 30 day trial does not begin until you load your first project) You can also use a .blg file from REM/Rate o REM/Design to open the REMCheck software program as well. Please let us know you thoughts about the hybrid app and the QA software program. Thank you. REMCollect Logo Horizontal color corrected.jpg (32 KB)