Tops First Half of Record Year of 2016 The demand for HERS® Index ratings is continuing to grow. In the first half of 2017, 106,867 homes were uploaded to the RESNET National Registry. During this time in 2016, there were 99,868 homes uploaded into the registry. This totals 6,999 more homes over the same time period of our record breaking 2016. This growth reflects a HERS® Industry that is in good health. Not only is there an increase in the number of HERS® rated homes, but the energy performance of those homes built is increasing. The average HERS® Index score for the first half of 2017 was 61 as compared to the average of 62 from this same time period in 2016. Another interesting note is the spread of homes rated by housing type. Initially practically all HERS® rated homes were single family. Since 2016, we have witnessed an increase in the number of multifamily HERS® ratings. 2017 is following this trend. Number Rated in First Half of 2017 Number Rated in First Half of 2016 Single Family – 82,307 (77%) Single Family – 77,507 (77%) Duplexes – 9,843 (9%) Duplexes – 9,822 (8%) Multifamily – 14,987 (14%) Multifamily – 12,539 (15%) In addition, in the first half of 2017 RESNET membership is up nearly 18% over the same time last year. RESNET Board President Roy Honican commented, “This healthy growth reflects a lot of hard work on part of certified RESNET HERS® Raters, Rating Providers, builders, and stakeholders such as product suppliers and utility partners. RESNET appreciates this effort. The increase in the number of homes being HERS® rated is only expected to grow. Our industry has a bright future.”