Last week USA Today and BusinessWeek spotlighted the G Home and the positive response from the appraiser community. The G Home is rapidly becoming the leading national brand for remodeled homes that are pre 1990. All G Homes implement professional design by a licensed Interior Designer, a Landscape Architect, and a RESNET approved energy rater. A pre and post remodel HERS® Index is design requirement for every G Home remodel. Philip Beere, Founder of the G Home, states “there is a need to educate the real estate community and prospective home buyer to the key features of the G Home, which include energy and water efficiency, improved indoor air quality, and a transit orientated location. The HERS® Index is our preferred tool to present the energy efficiency of every remodel, each G Home features a 24″ x 36” G Home Performance Report displayed in the front window.” The higher than market appraisals are attributed to the brand recognition of the G Home, and to the energy efficiency, professional design, and consumer demand. Each G Home is also green certified as verified by the NAHB Research Center. Those interested in participating in the G Home properties must meet minimum qualifications and specific design requirements. Prospective homebuyers may currently find a G Home in Denver, Phoenix, St. Louis, and Prescott. Aggressive plans for expansion to new markets include Texas, Florida, Nevada, and California. Additional information maybe found at,, or by phoning 855.466.7444.