The 2014 RESNET Conference is the “not-to-miss” building performance and financing event in 2014. The conference will offer a unique opportunity to learn the latest on multifamily residential buildings. Sessions offered include: Multifamily HERS® Ratings: Applying RESNET’s Technical Standards Infiltration Testing and Results in Multifamily High-rise Apartment Units Multi-Family Blower Door Best Practices and Newest QA/QC Innovations Multi-Family Ventilation Update: Best Practices, Practical Applications and ASHRAE 2013 All for One or One for All: Modeling Multifamily New Metrics of Weatherization Success A complete listing of sessions offered at the 2014 RESNET Conference and their descriptions are posted at 2014 RESNET Conference Core Conference Sessions Whether you are a building performance professional or home energy rater you do not want to miss this opportunity. To register go to 2014 RESNET Conference Registration