Across the nation code jurisdictions are seeing the benefits of the HERS® Index as a performance option to their energy codes. To date over 180 state and local jurisdictions have adopted a HERS® Index option to their energy code. The 2015 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) has an Energy Rating Index compliance option. To date the states of Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Texas, and Vermont have adopted or are in the final process of adopting the 2015 IECC Energy Rating Index compliance option in their energy codes. Having certified RESNET HERS® Raters involved in the verification of energy codes is a major opportunity for builders, strapped code jurisdictions and the rating industry. It ties code compliance by a third party with market opportunities for the builder. A special feature of the 2016 RESNET Building Performance Conference is a track on “The Role of HERS® Raters and the HERS® Index in Code Compliance”. The 2016 RESNET Building Performance Conference offers a unique opportunity to learn first-hand about this critical new development. Nowhere else can you gain the information needed to understand the importance of the HERS® Index in code compliance and what opportunities it presents to builders and HERS® Raters. Sessions that will be offered on this subject include: Career Opportunities of HERS® Raters Becoming ICC Certified Energy Code Inspectors HERS® Raters and Code Officials Working Together (It’s not all about ERI) Prescriptive, Performance and ERI; Expanding Opportunities for Raters in Energy Code Compliance The Business Case for Third Party Inspections – How a Rater fits into the Energy Code Equation. Expand Your Business- Tips for IECC Adoption and HERS® Alternative Path Compliance and IECC 2015 How Was It Done? Local and State Adoption of the 2015 IECC Energy Rating Index Compliance Option What’s in store for the 2018 International Energy Conservation Code? How to Make Your Voice Heard – Strategies for the HERS® Industry at the 2018 International Energy Conservation Code Cycle HERS® Index Scores and Energy Code – Arizona Style Aligning HERS® Indices for Energy Code Adoption – Panel Discussion on Methodologies and Practices in the Field Don’t Stop at Code- The Incremental Value of Completing a HERS® Rating Alternate Means and Materials for Code Compliance RESNET has posted the listing of core conference sessions along with a description of each session and each session’s presenters. To download the listing of sessions, click on 2016 RESNET Conference Core Conference Sessions Don’t miss this opportunity to catch up on the latest information and network with the leaders of the home energy rating and building performance industry. Join the Commitment to Excellence. Register for the conference today at 2016 RESNET Conference Remember January 16, 2016 is the deadline for the special “early bird” conference registration discount. For more information go to 2016 RESNET Building Performance Conference