Timothy Offord, Senior Market Specialist for the Alabama Power Company has been appointed by the RESNET Standards Management Board to serve on the RESNET Standard Development Committee (SDC) 900. The RESNET SDC 900 is responsible for the developing and amending of RESNET’s quality assurance standards. Timothy educates customers regarding energy efficiency, assists HVAC contractors with heating and cooling issues, and teaches classes at Alabama Power Company’s HVAC Training Center on Manual J Residential Load Calculations, Duct Design, Wrightsoft and Duct and Envelope Testing. Mr. Offord’s appointment to the SDC 900 is important in that he brings an electric utility’s perspective to the consistency and quality of HERS® ratings. Across the nation the RESNET HERS® Index Score is fast becoming a mainstream in the housing market. Homebuilders are having their homes energy rated and are marketing the HERS® Index Score of their homes. Multiple Listing Services (MLS) are incorporating the HERS® Index Scores in their listings and code jurisdictions are recognizing a HERS® Index Score as a building energy code compliance option. In addition, the nation utilities rely on HERS® Index Scores for their new homes energy efficiency programs. According to the Consortium for Energy Efficiency, in 2017, 58% of utilities nationally that had new homes programs used the HERS® Index as their verification method. For more information go to Overview of Residential New Construction Programs in the United States and Canada. Tim holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Troy University and is certified by the Alabama Board of Heating, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Contractors as a licensed contractor. He sits on the Advisory Committee for Trenholm State Technical College and Montgomery Technical Education Center. He is a member of ACCA’s “Standard’s Technical Team”, a Certified RESNET HERS® rater, and is Certified as a Residential Energy Auditor by the Association of Energy Engineers.