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Video of ICC CEO Dominic Sims’ Keynote Address at the #RESNET2020

Oct 6, 2020


As the International Code Council’s Building Safety Month draws to a close, we want to share ICC CEO Dominic Sims’ keynote address at the RESNET 2020 Building Performance Conference in Scottsdale.

Sims’ address highlighted the longstanding partnership between ICC and RESNET to improve building performance. He notes how the partnership is now more important than ever to assist code officials in improving the level of code compliance related to energy efficiency, and address demographic challenges of an aging workforce, such as with the recently announced IECC/HERS® Compliance Specialist Designation. “RESNET is helping us fill this workforce gap. You know the Code Council/RESNET partnership is a great example of how we’re finding innovative ways to help the industry during this time of transition. Our partnership is working to develop third party networks to assist jurisdictions with energy code compliance and I can’t underscore and emphasize this enough.”

Sims also discussed the three key standards developed in conjunction with RESNET. “You know, energy is just half the story these days. Energy and water efficiency are very important to the Code Council. And our membership, in conjunction with RESNET, have developed three key standards through our consensus process: first RESNET ICC 301, the energy rating index standard; RESNET ICC 380, the duct leakage standard; and our most recent collaboration, the one that I’m most excited about, is RESNET ICC 850 the water rating index and the HERSH2O® standard, a water efficiency standard for residential construction.”

He concluded, “As you can see, 2020 is going to be an exciting year for ICC in our industry and our partnership with RESNET. Having heard a little bit about your platform and your strategic plan and where it’s going, you should be very proud of, I think, the work that Steve, and the board, and the staff, and the volunteers do. You could see a lot of thought has gone into the strategies and I look forward to ICC’s future partnership.”

Click the thumbnail above to view his speech.