Phius Certified Rater training is where boundless opportunity meets technical ambition. As a Certified RESNET HERS® Rater, this is an opportunity to position yourself on the cutting edge of your field by becoming a Phius QA/QC professional. The next Phius Certified Rater training course is December 5-9, so secure your spot today! It is a live, virtual course consisting of three days of three-hour instruction. With the continued increase of Phius Certified projects across the country, certified raters are in demand. Becoming a Phius Certified Rater will open these business opportunities. Interest in Phius Certified projects continues to grow and the newly passed Inflation Reduction Act will allow Phius certified residential projects to be eligible for 45L Tax Credits – which means more projects for you to work on. Phius Certified Rater and Verifier training is geared toward professionals with experience testing and commissioning single-family, townhome, and low-rise multifamily buildings. Phius Certified Rater training builds on the foundation and concepts delivered in RESNET HERS® Rater training. It prepares rating professionals to identify the key components of passive building and understand best practices for testing and inspecting performance in the field. As a Certified RESNET HERS® Rater, this is an opportunity to position yourself on the cutting edge of your field by becoming a Phius QA/QC professional. In addition, much of the Phius training available also qualifies for HERS® Rater Professional Development Credits. RESNET and Phius recently announced a collaboration with Passive House Institute US (Phius) to promote the construction of sustainable and affordable homes. To that end, RESNET encourages Certified RESNET HERS® Raters to expand their career and business opportunities by becoming Phius Certified Raters and Phius Certified Verifiers via Phius Certified Rater and Verifier Training. Take the next step in your career by becoming a Phius Professional. For more information, click here.