The 2016 RESNET Building Performance Conference will take place in beautiful Scottsdale, Arizona, February 29-March 2. The theme of the RESNET Building Performance Conference is “Commitment to Excellence.” RESNET’s goal is to make the annual conference an excellent learning experience for attendees. The RESNET network has nominated sessions that it would like to see offered at the 2016 RESNET Conference. The growing interest in the RESNET Building Performance Conference is reflected in the diversity and quality of sessions that have been nominated to be offered in 2016. You are invited to vote on the sessions that you would like to see offered as break-out and pre-conference sessions at the 2016 RESNET Building Performance Conference. We have posted a description of sessions nominated to be offered at the 2015 RESNET Conference. To review the core conference sessions that have been nominated click on Nominated 2016 RESNET Conference Sessions and to review the pre-conference sessions that have been nominated click on Nominated 2016 RESNET Pre-Conference Sessions. To vote, click on 2016 RESNET Conference Session Ballot The deadline for voting for sessions offered is September 18, 2015. Thank you for taking the time to help make the 2016 RESNET Conference the best conference yet!