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Webinar: DOE Standards and Refrigerants for Residential AC and Heat Pumps

Sep 7, 2022 BuildersGeneralProvidersRaters


Free Webinar: New US Energy Efficiency Standards and Refrigerants for Residential AC and Heat Pumps

September 27, 2022, 2 PM Eastern

The U.S. Department of Energy has implemented new standards on how the efficiency of HVAC systems is calculated.  The new system is referred to as SEER2, EER2 and HSPF2 and will go into effect in parts of the U.S. on January 1, 2023.

What will be the effects of these changes?

To provide answers to your questions RESNET is hosting a webinar featuring Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) Senior Regulatory Advisor Laura Petrillo-Groh.

Register now for this high-level presentation to understand what the upcoming ratings and refrigerant changes mean for your business.

In the webinar Ms. Petrillo-Groh will address:
• SEER, EER, and HSPF ratings becoming will become SEER2, EER2, and HSPF2 in 2023.
• Equipment installation requirements will differ in the North, Southeast, and Southwest.
• R-410a refrigerant will be phased out in 2025.

AHRI is the trade association representing manufacturers of air conditioning, heating, and commercial refrigeration, and water heating equipment. An internationally recognized advocate for the industry, AHRI develops standards for and certifies the performance of many of these products. AHRI’s 300+ member companies manufacture quality, efficient, and innovative residential and commercial air conditioning, space heating, water heating, and commercial refrigeration equipment and components for sale in North America and around the world.

You do not want to miss this important event. Register here.

RESNET will be hosting a webinar in October to address what impact the new DOE requirements will have on HERS® Rating Index Scores. Stay tuned for more information.