The use of confirmed rating in Addendum 1, Section of the RESNET on rater training testing is not the intent of this section of the standard. The reference to “a confirmed rating” in the sentence, “However, at least one of the two training ratings shall be a confirmed rating conducted in-person with a certified trainer on a real house …” is incorrect. This interpretation is meant to clarify this issue. The RESNET Board of Directors adopted the following formal interpretation of the requirements of the standard: The reference to “a confirmed rating” in the sentence, “However, at least one of the two training ratings shall be a confirmed rating conducted in-person with a certified trainer on a real house …” is incorrect. It is interpreted that instead of a confirmed rating the standard is meant to be a field based, at a RESNET approved training facility or with a RESNET approved computer simulations that is entered into a RESNET accredited rating software program. The use of “confirmed ratings” in Addendum 1, Section on probationary ratings is the correct use of the term. To view the interpretation go to RESNET Board Formal Interpretation 2014-04