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RESTalk EP 128: Build-to-Rent Housing with Thomas Cochran and Laurel Elam

May 10, 2024 BuildersGeneralProvidersRaters

“Build-to-rent isn’t just about providing a place to live; it’s about crafting communities where flexibility and convenience meet modern living standards.”

In this episode of the RESTalk podcast, host Bill Spohn welcomed returning guest Laurel Elam and first-time RESTalk guest, Thomas Cochran. The discussion primarily centered on the burgeoning trend of build-to-rent (BTR) housing. Thomas, who serves as the Senior Vice President of National Business Development and Marketing at ARCXIS, shared insights on his role which involves strategic partnerships and initiatives that span regional to national scales, focusing lately on sustainability and energy efficiency in building projects.

The conversation delved into the specifics of the build-to-rent sector, which Thomas described as detached multifamily housing projects or “horizontal apartments.” Property management firms typically manage these developments after being constructed by home builders. Laurel, who has been actively presenting with Thomas on this topic, mentioned RESNET’s involvement through a newly formed advisory group aimed at aligning the rating industry with the build-to-rent movement. This initiative reflects a significant opportunity for energy rating companies to contribute to this growing sector.

Further, both speakers discussed the practical applications and implications of the build-to-rent model. They emphasized the importance of energy ratings, not only, for individual homeowners but also for institutional investors and property managers, highlighting the broad appeal and utility of the HERS® (Home Energy Rating System) index in these projects. The podcast touched on the geographic expansion of build-to-rent projects, particularly noting active markets in Texas, Arizona, Florida, and Georgia, and how these projects cater to a diverse demographic, including younger generations and retirees looking for flexibility and convenience in housing.

LinkedIn profiles:

Thomas’ LinkedIn
Laurel’s LinkedIn

Related articles:
Build-to-Rent Housing Sees Dynamic Growth in 2023

RESNET® Appoints BTR Advisory Group, ARCXIS’ Thomas Cochran as Chair

Listen to the full episode here.