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RESTalk EP52: Data Trends in HERS® Rated Homes–with Ryan Meres

Jun 26, 2020


Go out and collect data and, instead of having the answer, just look at the data and see if the data tells you anything.” -Steven Levitt

With over 20% of all new homes built in the US receiving a HERS® rating, this repository of data can allow important trends in residential construction to be discerned.

What does this data speak to in terms of the types of homes and types of buyers?

Ryan Meres joins us on today’s podcast to walk us through what the data in the new Trends in HERS® Rated Homes report tells us.

We get a walk-through of national, state and even city trends which cover the basic characteristics of the HERS® Rated homes and even the building components.

The report concludes with a first-of-its-kind look at the demographics of buyers of HERS® Rated homes based on a 2019 study conducted by the mortgage industry giant Freddie Mac.

For more info you can reach review the study here.

Or if you wish to reach Ryan you can email him at Ryan@RESNET.us