Software users often ‘true-up” or “calibrate” simulation models for existing homes to historical utility billing data with the goal of increasing the accuracy of retrofit savings predictions. This is typically achieved by adjusting input parameters within their ranges of uncertainty until a desired level or agreement is seen between pre-retrofit energy use and historical energy use. RESNET is entering into a process to develop a standard that would provide guidance and a method of test to evaluate calibration methods. This effort will be based upon some of the “self-test” concepts developed within the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s Building Energy Simulation Test for Existing Buildings (BESTEST-EX, The goal of this effort is to improve the accuracy and consistency of residential retrofit analysis by giving software developers a means to test how well various calibration methods work. The working group has adopted a Title, Purpose and Scope of Activities to guide its work. The title adopted by the working group is: Standard Method of Test for the Evaluation of Building Energy Analysis Model Calibration Methods The purpose adopted is: This standard specifies a method of test for evaluating calibration methods that are used to reconcile building energy models with measured energy consumption data. The scope of activities adopted is: This standard test procedure applies to calibration methods used with computer programs that predict the energy performance of residential buildings. The chairman of the working group is Ron Judkoff of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Members of the working group are: Mark Alatore, California Energy Commission Ren Anderson, National Renewable Energy Laboratory Michael Blasnik, Blasnik Associates Brian Christensen, Architectural Energy Corporation Ricson Chude, Southern California Edison Jon Collis, Colorado School of Mines Philip Fairey, Florida Solar Energy Center Jerome Gagliano, Performance Systems Development Joel Gilbert, Apogee Interactive Charlie Haack, ICF International Jeff Haberl, Texas A&M University Bruce Harley, Conservation Services Group Roderick Jackson, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Rod Judkoff, National Renewable Energy Laboratory Michael Lecuyer, ICF International Gamaliel Lodge, Optimiser Energy Ethan MacCormack, Performance Systems Development Evan Mills, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Rashid Mir, California Energy Commission Noel Merket, National Renewable Energy Laboratory Joshua New, Oak Ridge Laboratory Bill Pennington, California Energy Comisssion Ben Polly, National Renewable Energy Laboratory Dave Roberts, National Renewable Energy Laboratory Joseph Robertson, Colorado School of Mines Amir Roth, U.S. Department of Energy Rob Salcido, Architectural Energy Corporation John Spillman, Earth Advantage Institute Mark Ternes, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Greg Thomas, Performance Systems Development Robin Viera, Florida Solar Energy Center Chandler Von Schrader, Environmental Protection Agency Iain Walker, Lawrence Berekely National Laboratory Bruce Wilcox, Consultant to Calfornia Energy Commission