Proposed Addendum 43 amends the MINHERS® Chapter 5 to add alternatives to the Building Permit Date for required implementation of amendments to the MINHERS® standards. There are instances when a permit date does not exist or cannot be found so alternative dates for when ratings must be based on new amendments is needed. It also establishes criteria for determining an optional Voluntary Compliance Date when a Transition Period is authorized and set dates of January 1 or July 1 for the Mandatory Compliance Date for amendments. The primary changes to draft PDS-01, which are open to comment, are the addition of two more alternative dates to the Building Permit Date and establishing the Mandatory Compliance Date as January 1 or July 1. See the link below to view the file with changes to draft PDS-01 that are open for comment as shown in strikeout/underline red text. To view the addenda as it will read without the strike outs and underlines click on link Proposed Addendum 43. Draft PDS-02 Addendum 43: Implementation of MINHERS® Standards To submit your comments click on RESNET Amendment Comment Online Form for Draft PDS-02 Addendum 43 Comments are posted real time and you will be able to review comments that were submitted by clicking on Comments Submitted on Draft PDS_01 Addendum 43 Comments will be accepted only on the changes as indicated by the strike-through/underlined red text in draft PDS-02. The public comment period will be open for 30 days beginning October 14, 2019, through November 12, 2019. After the comment period, the RESNET Standard Development Committee 300 will consider and document each of the comments submitted and make appropriate changes. Any substantive changes to draft PDS-02 will be provided to the public for comment. When there are no more substantive changes the proposed final amendment will be submitted to the RESNET Standard Management Board for final approval. Tips and Reminders for Submitting Public Comments Comments must include a specific proposed change to the text of the draft open for comment. Proposed added text must be underlined and text proposed to be removed must be shown using strike-through. If not submitted in this format, the public commentmay be rejected If you submit public comment representing the collective interests of a group of stakeholders, you are encouraged to submit ONE public comment and identify all stakeholders in that comment. While not required, this expedites the ability of the committees to respond to commenters in a timely manner. Public comments are reviewed by committees with volunteer members, that are Raters, Providers, Software Developers and other industry and public interest stakeholders. They are not reviewed by RESNET Staff. Most amendments to RESNET standards are proposed by industry and public stakeholders not RESNET. To learn more about submitting proposed amendments visit this page: