Locating the forced-air duct system within the home’s air and thermal barriers is a “must have” for high performance homes. Getting this important detail right later on simply isn’t an option. But this mandatory requirement of DOE Challenge Home isn’t one-size-fits-all either. DOE Challenge Home recognizes several alternate compliance approaches, including locating ducts within insulated unvented attics, use of plenum truss systems, and encapsulating ducts with spray foam and burying them in insulation. Done right, these alternative approaches can be cost-effective to build and provide highly efficient distribution systems – – but getting them right means understanding the details. In this training, DOE and its Building America Research Partner Steven Winter Associates will first cover several possible approaches to locating ducts within the home’s air and thermal barriers, and then dig into design considerations and details for the spray foam encapsulation approach. Trainees, including builders, raters, and contractors, will learn: 1. DOE Challenge Home requirements for duct system location. 2. Strategies for locating ducts within conditioned space in new residential construction. 3. Key design and installation details for encapsulating ducts within spray foam and then burying them with attic insulation. This webinar is scheduled for Thursday November 15, from 11 a.m. – 12 noon, Eastern Time. Reserve your Webinar seat now at: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/631195728