Ox Engineered Products is the newest member of the Residential Energy Services Network (RESNET®) Suppliers Advisory Board (SAB). Ox Engineered Products is a leading provider of innovative insulation and structural sheathing solutions, offering a comprehensive range of sheathing and weatherization systems. With a commitment to energy efficiency, the company strives to provide builders and architects solutions to modern building practices. Its products save builders and installers both time and money on the job site. “I’m excited and proud to be representing OX Engineered Products on the RESNET® Suppliers Advisory Board. Prior to joining OX, I spent a little over 5 and a half years working for a HERS® Rating Provider both as an RFI in the field and as the Development Manager. Excited to share my knowledge and experience in building science to help with the development of new energy-efficient practices and products to create a greener and brighter future for homebuilding,” says Ox Engineered Products NC/SC/GA Territory Sales Manager Scott Forsyth. The purpose of the RESNET® Suppliers Advisory Board is to provide an opportunity for suppliers to better understand RESNET®, network, and provide supplier input to the RESNET® Board of Directors. SAB benefits included the opportunity to guest on the RESNET® podcast, RESTalk, downloaded by hundreds of industry professionals each month. RESNET® SAB members also receive marketing and sales support with free product marketing email distribution, and RESNET®-hosted educational webinars to reach more than 6,000 home energy rating and building performance professionals. In addition to a representative seat on the RESNET® Board of Directors, SAB members receive an annual Statistical Abstract on Trends in HERS® Rated Homes. Currently, there are 13 members of the RESNET® Suppliers Advisory Board. To see a listing of members and learn more, visit https://www.resnet.us/about/sab/ For more information about Ox Engineered Products, please visit our website at www.oxengineeredproducts.com