Home >Articles >RESNET Adopts Standard Amendment on Revising Rater and Quality Assurance Designee Training and Certification Requirements

RESNET Adopts Standard Amendment on Revising Rater and Quality Assurance Designee Training and Certification Requirements

Aug 6, 2014

After the RESNET non-ANSI standard amendment review and comment process, the RESNET Standards Management Board has adopted the amending of Addendum 1 of the Mortgage Industry National Home Energy Rating Standards.  The RESNET Training and Education Committee undertook a four month process of considering public comments submitted on the proposed amendment.  Changes contained in the amendment include:

  • Based upon the recommendations from the RESNET Training and Education Committee, RESNET Board of Directors adopted a policy for a simulation based practical test for raters. Clean up language was needed to have the standards reflect the board policy.
  • The amendment of Addendum 1 of the standards required the training and testing of Home Energy Raters on CAZ testing. The language in the standard  needed to be made consistent with the requirement.
  •  The standard language requiring that training take place by a certified Rater Trainer under a RESNET accredited Rater Trainer also needed to be clarified.

The effective date of the amendment is August 30, 2014 except for Addendum 1, Section which is January 1, 2015 and Addendum 1 Section which is January 1, 2016 for new Rater candidates and January 1, 2017 for existing Raters.

To view the adopted amendment go to RESNET Rater and Quality Assurance Designee Training and Certification Amendment