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RESNET Releases Draft PDS-03 of MINHERS® Addendum 52f for Public Comment

Apr 19, 2021

RESNET Standard Development Committee 200 approved draft Draft PDS-03, MINHERS® Addendum 52f, Rater and RFI Eligibility Requirements for HVAC Installation Grading for public review and comment. Proposed Addendum 52f amends the RESNET Mortgage Industry National Home Energy Rating Standards (MINHERS), Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 to establish eligibility requirements for Raters and RFI’s to qualify for conducting HVAC grading used in HERS® Ratings. When completed this final addendum will replace interim Addendum 52i that establishes interim requirements currently in effect.

The draft addendum, comment form, and comments received are posted at Draft PDS-03, MINHERS® Addendum 52f, Rater and RFI Eligibility Requirements for HVAC Installation Grading. After the comment period, RESNET Standard Development Committee 200 will consider and document each of the comments submitted and make appropriate changes. Any substantive changes will be submitted for public comment.

Public comments will be accepted from April 23, 2021, through May 22, 2021.