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Standards Development Committee 200

The RESNET Standards Development Committee 200 is responsible to oversee RESNET’s education, training assessment and certification standards and amending the standards.

Chair: Sharla Riead, Energy Smart Institute


Sandra Adomatis, Adomatis Appraisal Service

Rod Buchalter, RenewABILITY Energy Inc.

Olga Cano, EPA

Russ King, CalCERTS

Jessie Krivolavek, American Energy Advisors

Tei Kucharski, Florida Solar Energy Center

Robert Lipkins PhD, Consulting Psychometrician

Doug McCleery, Magrann Associates

Eurihea Speciale, Building Efficiency Resources (The BER)

Chris Urbanus, Burgess Construction Consultants


  • TBD

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